Everything you need to support your students education at home.

PGCPS Tutoring
Access live tutoring in English and Spanish, practice tests for college entrance, databases, and research tools.

Library Tutoring
Live tutoring is available in English and Spanish. Practice long division, improve reading comprehension, and learn other key skills.

PGCPS Technical Support
Need help with your student's school technology? Visit one of the PGCPS Technical Support Centers for help.assistance.

Child Care Programs
County childcare facilities are staffed by caring, qualified people dedicated to creating a nurturing environment for every child.

Community Centers
Prince George's County community centers offer classes, programs, drop-in activities, and special events for people of all ages.

Places to Go
Plan an educational trip to DC to enrich your students curriculum studies.

Parenting Guide
TODAY Parenting Guides provide benchmarks and tips for your child's academic, physical and social emotional growth.

Positive Parenting Tips
As your child grows and develops, there are many things you can do to help your child.

Teaching Social-Emotional Skills
Social-emotional skills can be categorized into four types: behavior regulation, friendship skills, emotional literacy, and problem-solving skills.

Adult Education & Support
By furthering your own education, you can expand access and support for your student(s) and family.