With 45 Community Schools Planned to Roll Out in Prince George’s County, PGCEA Partnered With Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools to Prepare Teachers and Community for Changes.

In advance of the countywide rollout of nearly 50 community schools next year across, considered to be one of the greatest strategic changes within PGCPS, the Prince George’s County Educators’ Association (PGCEA) partnered with the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools Prince George’s County to organize 70 Prince George’s County teachers, staff, community members, and parents for a Civic Academy Training on Community Schools. The training, held yesterday at the Cora L. Rice Elementary School, provided an introduction to the community school model and how it will impact schools and communities within the county.

“We know that each community is unique and has unique needs, and that is what the community school model is meant to address. We have worked on this for nearly two years and are proud to roll out the Six Pillars of Community Schools, which includes culturally relevant curriculum, multi-tier support, and ensures that the community is extensively involved and partnering with our schools.”

The civic academy is the first of many to be held across the county in preparation for the community schools roll out next school year.  If you would like to receive more  information or request an interview with PGCEA President Theresa Mitchell Dudley, contact Joshua Harris at (443)939.2043 or jharris@pgcea.org.

Educators from Prince George’s County receive their first introduction to what community schools will look like in the county.
A Baltimore City community school coordinator presents on what to expect and what coordinators should look for in community partnerships.

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